
freedom mindset Mar 16, 2022


veiled woman

 But we all with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory are being transformed into His glory with increasing likeness.” 2Cor. 3:18


Hear the Call

Come to the Bridegroom with an unveiled face. He desires you, to be known by you and fellowship with you. He sets you free from sin, shame and fear and transforms you with His glory. Trust Him, be vulnerable with Him and fulfill your destiny.

How can you be ready for the Bridegroom? Do you know Him as you desire? You can. Join the quest to know God intimately.

​This website’s purpose is to help you get free from the past so you can come to know our Bridegroom God. Many write about God as Father, but few write or teach about the Lord’s role as Bridegroom.This may be because He saved some truth of this relationship for today.

Remove Veils and Masks of Shame, Fear Lost identity and Less Than. Come to the Bridegroom With an Unveiled Face

When you come to the Bridegroom with an unveiled face, you will find out why you struggle with self-will, confusion, trust and knowing His love. Learn how to receive the love that will not let you go.​ The Bridegroom’s enraptured heart yearns for you. Remove the veils of shame and fear and come to know the love beyond knowing. Learn how to let His love capture you to be wholly His and fulfill your destiny.

Our veils keep us from seeing Him as He is and knowing ourselves. We see Him through the veils of the past and struggle with drawing near. Our veils misrepresent Him to us and us to ourselves. Picture what life would be like if you always wore sunglasses that not only darkened the world, but also distorted it like a fun house mirror. This is how we see the world until God sets us free. But how do we get free? That is the purpose of this ministry, freedom for the Lord's bride. You will find resources here. Join the journey.

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